
An innovative hoeing,
an ecological solution

Undervine weeder tool for mechanical hoeing of vines and arboriculture


An innovative hoeing,
an ecological solution

Undervine weeder tool for mechanical hoeing of vines and arboriculture

An agronomic solution


No more need for chemical inputs to get rid of weeds, EcosatelYt is an undervine weeder tool that uses mechanical energy to hoe the soil.
  • Acting on the superficial part of the soil, it maintains biological exchange by aerating the soil and promoting water circulation


Thanks to the mechanical rotation driven by the forward motion of the tool carrier and the low presence of hydraulics, energy consumption is reduced to less than 6 litres/minute.
  • Hydraulics cylinders, activated by a feeling sensor, ensure the alignment of the tool between the vines and allow the gap to be adjusted.


An ingenious hoeing system has been developed.
  • The operation consists of 3 satellites equipped with skimmers, connected to each other, which rotate and gravitate around the vine stock.
  • The combination of trihedral wheels and springs prevents the vine stock from being damaged

Mechanical engineering at the centre of the module

The efficiency of ecosatelYt is based on ingenious mechanical systems, including the use of trihedral wheels and springs. The low speed of rotation allows for less wear and tear on the tools. Hydraulic cylinders ensure that the chassis is self‑centering.

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Working with LEGER SAS


Customer satisfaction is an integral part of the values shared by LEGER SAS. Thanks to our design office, we can carry out studies personalised to our customers. What are your needs? Our team will propose you an adapted solution.


The DNA of the company comes from the founder Mr. LEGER. He originally manufactured agricultural machinery to help his friends in the surrounding area. We continue in this spirit by manufacturing tools that make agricultural work easier and save time and money.


The issue of the environment and global warming is the main challenge facing the agricultural sector and concerns the future of all. LEGER SAS has chosen to be a player in this change and has committed itself to an eco-responsible approach by offering machines that are ever more energy and resource efficient.

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